This is a blog we're starting so we can share our upcoming trip to Korea. We thought it would be a nice way to document the trip for ourselves, friends and family, and other pottery enthusiasts. In 2oo1, Michael spent seven months learning how to make Onggi jars with potter Oh Hyang Jong in Gwangju, South Korea.

When Michael was in Korea seven years ago, Mr. Oh ran a workshop that made traditional onggi storage jars to hold such things as kimchi, soy bean paste, red pepper paste, and wine. Mr. Oh hired old masters to make these pots with the help of apprentices. Since then, Mr. Oh has sold the onggi workshop, and is mostly making his own work, much of it sculptural. We're excited to see what his new studio is like!
This will be Naomi's first time in Korea. In this trip, we will be making a load of pots with Mr. Oh, and have a small exhibition with him in Seoul near the end. We are also hoping to get a chance to do some sight-seeing while we're there, and of course eat lots of good food!
This will be Naomi's first time in Korea. In this trip, we will be making a load of pots with Mr. Oh, and have a small exhibition with him in Seoul near the end. We are also hoping to get a chance to do some sight-seeing while we're there, and of course eat lots of good food!